Faith Is Not an Option. It’s Mandatory.

Almost daily, I am speaking with people who, like myself, are struggling with their faith. It seems the storms of life are threatening more damage than we can believe against.

Our faith walk is like the physical walk we have to perform daily over and above getting from point to point. The exercise, whether spiritual or physical, is to strengthen us and to improve our overall health. Both walks exist to better our quality of life.

This past Sunday morning, I struggled to get out of bed. Flipping from one side of the bed to the other, I fought to come up with good excuses to not attend church. I was told by someone a long time ago that when that happens, I should make up my mind to go since it is an effort to keep me from hearing something I need to hear. This Sunday this was exactly the case!

Pastor was speaking on–you guessed it–FAITH. He made such interesting points about how we are to move forward even when things may be coming up against us with more power than we think we possess. He detailed nine things to do when our faith is weak:

1.     The first thing we have to do is recognize Satan as the source of our opposition. Knowing where our opposition comes from reveals to us what weapon we should use to fight.

2.     Be sure the promises of God covers what we are believing for. A search for the promise is important. If it’s in the word, it is for us!

3.     Make sure there is no sin in our life. (Pastor noted, this should probably be in the number 1 spot!) Sin blocks our ability to communicate with God and will hinder the manifestation of the promises in our lives.

4.     Don’t doubt in our heart. To doubt is to waver in our faith; to be unstable.

5.     Ask in faith not wavering. God is waiting for us to come to him for all that we need and desire.

6.     Do Not allow thoughts that are contrary to our faith. Whenever our faith is working, obstacles come up against us to shake and to speak loudly that what we are believing God for will not happen.

7.     Call it done. Once we pray about a thing, we are to call it done; we are to be assured that our request (s) have been heard and that we have received a “yes”!

8.     Give Glory to God. Thank him.

9.     Act as if we have it now.

Faith is a practice. It is something we have to work at developing. Every answered prayer is a point for us to look back on in order to remember all the times God came through and to be confident that he always will. Without faith it is impossible to please God. So, if we desire to please God, faith is not an area in which we can fail. It is not an option. It is mandatory.

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